Action Menu Options for Assigned Units


1. Generate Agreement

This option takes you to a page where you can select from your existing agreements for the tenant to sign. It allows you to choose the most appropriate agreement for the specific unit and tenant.

2. Vehicle Agreement

Selecting this option directs you to the unit's vehicle agreement page. Here, you can mark any existing damage or add other relevant details about the vehicle associated with the unit.

3. Email Agreement

This action emails the tenant a link to sign the agreement. By default, it sends the tenant to the unit_assign document.

4. Generate Lien Form

This option manually generates a lien form for the agreement. It uses the lien_notice document by default and automatically saves the generated form under the tenant's files for easy access and record-keeping.

5. Generate Next Invoice

Choosing this option creates a new invoice for the tenant's unit. The generated invoice is saved under the tenant's invoices section, making it easy to create another invoice for next month if tenant wants to pay in advance.

6. Cancel Unit

This action cancels the unit assignment and voids any open invoices associated with it. It's useful when a tenant is moving out or the unit assignment needs to be terminated for any reason.

<aside> Note: Always ensure you have the necessary permissions and have followed proper procedures before using these actions, especially for options that involve legal documents or financial transactions.
